Senin, 11 Januari 2016

And then What?

It looks funny that title, doesn't it? But it's in fact the famous question in economics asked. Warren Buffet says as I quoted from Ellen May twitter, "In economics, you always want to ask 'And then What?". Yeah, I agree with Warren Buffet saying. Why we try to have such a long explanation if we don't know what we want to do next.

As I myself, I have a lot of things to do in my mind. I want to do this, this and next this. All of these are parts of my steps to reach the goal.  Only sometime I don't have much time left to finish it. So I have to finish it for the next day. But I always try to do the job in order and avoid to break the rule if possible. The bad things are many other things come up and need them to be done. So, I have to be flexible in my plans.

What else we can do other than just do it. Life is so beautiful and I don't want to miss it. For that reason I want to smell the roses in my adventurer.

(to be continued)

What Do You Think About Money?

An Illustration related with money (doc: 

Aha, I love this illustration about money. I just found it. I think it's really good  representing about money. Indeed a lot of people say that money isn't everything. But Everything needs money to get it, right?. So, how do you define about money?

Do you agree with this illustration? Feel free to have any arguments in relation with the money.

But first, I will rewrite what is in there.

Money isn't Everything.
It can buy a bed- but not sleep
It can buy a clock - but not time
It can buy you a book - but not knowledge
It can buy you a position -but not respect
It can buy you medicine - but not health
It can buy you a blood - but not life
It can buy you a sex - but not love
And finally MONEY isn't everything, but can provide you need to get everything.

I personally agree though and I want to have more and more.Why?, because I have a lot of dreams that I want to get it. And strangely all of them need money. How can I deny it? 

Of course I have to make sure how I can get it. I don't want to get in reckless way and against the rule. This is the most important part to put in my mind. Then I will do the best to get it. I do make targets sometimes, but the results it's all depend on Allah. I'll accept whatever I get and then thanks Him for his blessings.

This is all I can do. I want more money and willing to do the best. The results give it to Him Almighty.

Kamis, 07 Januari 2016

It's Time Now

There is no excuses for not to write. I have to write and write more. Postpone it means no money and no productive work. So, there's no reason if I have to postpone it. I have knowledges, experiences and of course plenty of time. Instead of browsing here and there and reading gossips, it's better to practice writing. This is the best investment of time for the future. Of course, I do still need to read a lot of things, but reading good books and no gossiping's people.

Hope it helps me to face my future. This is just beginning, not an end. So, I still need to face the process and make a big progress in writing. Otherwise I will leave behind and just Talk Only No Action. The famous abbreviation for people who only doing good in talking and promises, but no actions came out. Is it dangerous? Of course, there will not have any productions eventually.

Good Luck for me. I do need to motivate myself  and there needs to be from inside. Expecting from others doesn't last longer and sometime it's dangerous.

Sabtu, 02 Januari 2016

How Come I'm so Sleepy?

I woke up at the same time around 4 o'clock. I did a lot of things right after that include taking a shower in the hope it can reduce my sleepiness. Unfortunately it's not. I did also have a cup of coffee, ate avocado almost the whole thing and some slices of bread. Unfortunately It still didn't work either. What's wrong with that?

To be honest I did wake up several time for pee in the middle of the night. Is that one of the reason I feel exhausted? That's why I feel so sleepy now. What should I do then?

Should I take exercises such as go for walk or just take a rest to get my energy back? Now I try to practice writing instead. Hope it will work out fine. This is my real practice to get used to writing in English. Hope I can publish my article in Kompasiana in English as my new habit. I'm still trying though. On top of that I want to publish in the Jakarta Post as my second job.

Thank you and hope it works.