Senin, 11 Januari 2016

And then What?

It looks funny that title, doesn't it? But it's in fact the famous question in economics asked. Warren Buffet says as I quoted from Ellen May twitter, "In economics, you always want to ask 'And then What?". Yeah, I agree with Warren Buffet saying. Why we try to have such a long explanation if we don't know what we want to do next.

As I myself, I have a lot of things to do in my mind. I want to do this, this and next this. All of these are parts of my steps to reach the goal.  Only sometime I don't have much time left to finish it. So I have to finish it for the next day. But I always try to do the job in order and avoid to break the rule if possible. The bad things are many other things come up and need them to be done. So, I have to be flexible in my plans.

What else we can do other than just do it. Life is so beautiful and I don't want to miss it. For that reason I want to smell the roses in my adventurer.

(to be continued)

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