Kamis, 07 Januari 2016

It's Time Now

There is no excuses for not to write. I have to write and write more. Postpone it means no money and no productive work. So, there's no reason if I have to postpone it. I have knowledges, experiences and of course plenty of time. Instead of browsing here and there and reading gossips, it's better to practice writing. This is the best investment of time for the future. Of course, I do still need to read a lot of things, but reading good books and no gossiping's people.

Hope it helps me to face my future. This is just beginning, not an end. So, I still need to face the process and make a big progress in writing. Otherwise I will leave behind and just Talk Only No Action. The famous abbreviation for people who only doing good in talking and promises, but no actions came out. Is it dangerous? Of course, there will not have any productions eventually.

Good Luck for me. I do need to motivate myself  and there needs to be from inside. Expecting from others doesn't last longer and sometime it's dangerous.

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